Hi, this is Jane from the Wild Bunch. Now the clocks have changed and we are into autumn we see big differences in our gardens and open spaces. Plants and animals – flora and fauna – are getting ready for winter. Pavements are covered in leaves, flowerbeds are full of decaying stems. Squirrels are busy burying hazelnuts, hedgehogs are tucking into insects, slugs and snails in preparation for hibernation. Birds are feasting on ripening berries before cold weather strikes.
But in addition to flora and fauna there is another important element to our wildlife – that of fungi. Fungi range from the tiny, such as yeast, with almost invisible spores, through lichens, mushrooms, toadstools and bracket fungus, to giant honey fungus networks that can extend for miles. Fungi are essential to our natural world. It is estimated that over 90% of plants depend on mycorrhizal fungi which grow with – and so extend – their roots systems. It seems that such fungi link trees across huge networks, described by some as the ‘wood wide web’. Fungi play an important part in helping to recycle nutrients from dead or decaying matter – without them we would all be buried in fallen leaves! In autumn we can see fungi all around us. Take a closer look when you are next outdoors and have fun learning more about them. There are excellent books in the library, information online, plus phone apps to help in identification. With few exceptions (such as honey fungus), most are highly beneficial to gardens. A small number are very poisonous, so if you are interested in learning about edible fungi, do find an in-person workshop, since having good ID skills is essential.
If you would like to join the Wild Bunch, share ways to encourage wildlife in gardens and local open spaces, or suggest topics for the monthly gatherings, just email fromewildbunch@gmail.com. Our next gathering is at 1.30pm on Thursday November 21st at Frome Town Hall. It will be all about the soil – how to tell what type of soil you have, how to improve and care for it, plus composting ideas for everyone. We look forward to seeing you there.
To receive the monthly newsletter, to find out dates, topics and location of gatherings and to book a place, visit www.bit.ly/frome-wild-bunch