“If all UK gardens were turned into nature-friendly places, it would create a wildlife haven of over 430,000 hectares in size, more than four times the surface area of all national nature reserves combined.”
The Wild Bunch is open to anyone who is interested in gardening for wildlife in our private gardens and shared local green spaces. Championing the idea of our gardens and green spaces being inter-connected parts of a much larger wild space that is owned by our wild neighbours, the group shares ideas, hosts monthly gatherings and holds public events that promote wildlife-friendly approaches in our neighbourhoods.
Gardening for Wildlife guide
There are lots of useful ideas in our Gardening for Wildlife booklet that you can download and share with your neighbours. Take the quiz to see how wildlife friendly your garden already is.
Upcoming dates
Wild Bunch gatherings take place on the third Thursday of every month, 1.30pm – 3pm usually at Frome Town Hall (with an option to join online via Zoom) or on location, details below
- Thursday 16th January, 1.30pm to 3pm: Birds
- Thursday 20th February: Ponds, bog gardens and wet habitats
- Thursday 20th March: Community Wildlife Mapping and garden connectivity
- Thursday 17th April: Planting for pollinators
The Wild Bunch plan to support projects that create wildlife-friendly environments in streets, such as bird and bat box building, hedgehog highway routes, shelter boxes, planters. Watch this space for other events that you and your neighbours could get involved in.
Wild about Frome at home
The Wild Bunch are encouraging residents to re-wild parts of their gardens as this will encourage wildlife and boost diversity. They are offering free “Wild about Frome” stickers which can be placed in your window or on a stake in your garden to let neighbours and passers-by know that you’re supporting the campaign. Stickers are available from the Town Hall.
Wildlife Mapping in our communities
We are currently working to map the wildlife in the Frome community. Visit our Wild About Frome page for details on how you can get involved.
Frome Hoedown
In addition to the Wild Bunch, Frome Town Council is also supporting Frome Hoedown – a community initiative to hoe and weed our streets in place of Somerset Council using Roundup weedkiller.
The Wild Bunch Column
We’ve made the press! The Frome Times hosts our bi-weekly column where we talk about seasonal changes and what we can do in our gardens and neighbourhoods to support our local wildlife.