Films4Europe is an active media project in the intercultural context of the four twin towns Murrhardt in Germany, Frome in England, Château-Gontier in France and Rabka-Zdrój in Poland. The main idea is to encourage an exchange between young people of the four twin towns and in addition to that, achieve the continuance, expansion and sustainable development of the already existing youth ambassador network. The youth ambassador project – also called “Friends for Europe” exists since 2008 and consists of a group of young people of each twin town. This group organises projects and meetings, like for example language courses for their friends in the twin towns.
So far the team has visited every town to create a film – except for Frome. The film workshop in Frome will take place on 12 to 13 of November and 19 to 20 of November – each day from 10 a.m to 5 p.m.
In these 4 days, the team will create a film together with young people of Frome. What the film will be like is totally up to them. In the film, the aim is that the young people from Frome show their hometown to the Friends for Europe in the other towns and get in contact via social media.
There are still some places left in this Frome workshop. Ages of those who are eligible to enrol are 14-20 years old.
If you are interested to see the films of the participants of the other towns and what we have done so far check out their facebook page, blog on their website or Films4Europe YouTube Channel.
If you would like to be involved in this project, please email: