We all aim to have a more sustainable approach, whether reducing our carbon emissions to eating less meat, there’s a whole host of actions we can take to make our lifestyles more sustainable.
Using reusable alternatives can also help, which is why Frome Town Council and Frome Medical Practice are launching their “Plastic free.Period” campaign next month with a webinar exploring the wide variety of sustainable period products available and answering any questions about their suitability.
Around two billion period product items are thrown away in Britain each year, and that comes at a cost, not only to the environment but also to the user. Each period can cost on average £10, that’s £130 a year and £4940 over a lifetime. Finding a sustainable option with less impact on our planet is the solution.
All are welcome to attend the free webinar which is taking place on Thursday 3rd February from 7pm – 8:30pm, hosted by Cecilia Allon, an Environmenstrual Ambassador for Women’s Environmental Network. Attendees will learn about alternative sustainable products available which when used will make a difference to the planet and user’s bank balance.
Dr Helen Kingston, Senior GP at Frome Medical Practice says: “Frome Medical Practice is really excited about taking this project forward, as part of our overall approach to looking at ways we can support people’s health and also encourage sustainability. Reusable period products are also an important way of enabling period equality. Using them can save up to 94% of your lifetime spend on disposable products, which is equivalent to around £4800 for the average user. And their wider use makes an important contribution to reducing the amount of plastic waste in our oceans. We wholeheartedly support this initiative and hope those who use period products in Frome will find it helpful.”
Register for the free workshop here or visit the ‘Plastic Free. Period’ page.