Councillor Mel Usher chaired the meeting.
Rachel Griffin, Communications and Marketing Manager began with an update on FTC communications. She detailed how the FTC websites and social media channels have been improved and are gaining an increasingly wider audience. Rachel described how printed media such as press releases ad noticeboards continue to be used and are crucial to good communication.
There was general agreement over the importance of communication, and a discussion about how we can improve.
Councillors noted the progress and agreed to explore plans for a cost neutral conference in the new year called “Breaking the Mould” as another avenue into improved wider communication.Environment
Chris Stringer, Environment Manager, presented management plans for Welshmill and the Roundhouse, on the other side of the river. He started by saying how well improvements have gone, noting that the Roundhouse area is now more accessible to wheelchair users and pushchairs, the wooden structure is well used and the graffiti style art seems to have discouraged vandalism. Everyone was in agreement that the areas are well maintained, popular and well used. The work done by the rangers is well received by residents and public feedback is good overall.
Councillors agreed to adopt the management plan for the Roundhouse and Welshmill. They also agreed to the increased hours of one ranger and for FTC to advertise for the position a new full time ranger.Finance
Jackie Wheeler, Responsible Finance Officer, presented a finance update, concluding that FTC is in a healthy financial state. At midway through the year she forecast that the budget would be met at year end.