Throughout April Frome Town Council have been asking for thoughts and comments about the draft design for the School Street project. Through a series of pop-up sessions and drop ins at the Town Hall, many residents have provided valued feedback on the new design.
The consultation will close on May 4th but there’s still time to review the plans and submit your comments:
- Online – The draft will be available to review online until Wednesday 4th May at https://somersetsustainabletransport.commonplace.is/
- Display – The proposal has been on display in Frome Town Hall. Anyone is welcome to pop in as they are passing to review the board and then thoughts can be popped in a suggestion box. The Town Hall is open on weekdays between 9am and 5pm, except on Fridays when it closes at 4.30pm.
- Talk to us – We’ll be at the crossroads of Nunney Road and Oakfield Road between 3 and 4pm on the 26th April, and between 8 and 9.30am on the 27th April.
School Streets enable safer and less congested roads by prioritising walking and cycling while limiting vehicular through-traffic. The aim is to design streets that encourage more families to actively travel to school, while maintaining access for anyone who lives and works in the area. The solutions will help reduce air pollution, enable social distancing and create child friendly streets.
Nikki Brain, Frome Town Council’s Resilience Manager says: “It is key that residents engage with the plans and share their local knowledge and feedback to deliver safer streets for our whole community. Please do let us know what you think about the draft design, we welcome all feedback.”
Following the consultation, the design will be finalised and installed over the next 12 months then trialled for a period of 18 months.
The Schools Streets project is funded by Somerset County Council as part of their Emergency Active Travel Fund. Further information and a copy of the design can be found by clicking here.