Playday is the national day for play, it’s celebrated each year across the country and will be held on Wednesday 3rd August.
Playday’s theme this year aims to highlight that play is for everyone. Play happens everywhere, every day, and is the right of every child and young person. Playday encourages families, communities, and organisations large and small, to consider how they can build better opportunities for all children to play.
This year, Frome Town Council along with Frome Library will be joining in the fun by putting on free play activities in the area outside the library on the morning of Wednesday 3rd August from 10:30am – 12:30pm. Local play providers Super Roots will be on hand to ensure everyone who attends has the most fun!
Nikki Cox, Frome Town Council’s Children and Young People’s Officer says: “If you haven’t had the chance to come along to one of our pop-up play sessions in our parks over the early summer, make sure you add this date in your diary to enjoy the free play session hosted by Super Roots.”
Cllr Anne Hills added: “We’re excited to see the return of Playday this year and look forward to the area outside the library coming alive with the joy of play. We know from the research behind our Play Strategy that play is essential for children and young people’s physical and mental health, and that it allows them to make friends, develop relationships and also feel connected to their communities. It’s also great for people of all ages, improving creativity and well-being. So why not pop down, it’s free and there’s no need to book.”
For more information about Frome Town Council’s Play Strategy, please visit the website the Choose Play page.