FTC is asking for the residents of Frome to decide between three projects: A Town Orchard, a Dog Poo Powered Street Lamp and a Waterslide Event. These, or similar projects, have all been discussed within the council as part of the setting work programme for this and previous years and they all contribute to the strategic aims of the council. There is not enough budget to do all and so it is over to residents to decide how to spend the money.
The People’s Budget is about local people voting to make direct decisions about how local public budgets are spent. £10,000 has been made available for a project to be decided on by the Town Vote.
Councillor Toby Eliot explains “Each of the ideas has a greater impact on the town than it may first appear. The Town Orchard contributes to the care of the open spaces held and managed by the town and encourages more people to become involved in the green space around them. Importantly it will help to deal with a very serious drainage issue on the Old Showfield site for which there is currently no solution.The Dog Poo Streetlight is more than a gimmick. FTC are committed to using alternative sources of energy wherever possible (previous support for solar instillations, electric car and bike clubs). This is another way to reduce energy consumption from the grid. It’s also a new approach to the issue of dog poo. There has been little success in dealing with the issue despite an increased focus on the traditional means of managing it. Time to try something new?
The Waterslide appears to be a one off ‘fun’ event but is in reality it would help to launch a town wide water focused initiative. The Your Welcome campaign will highlight business and premises that will allow people to refill multi-use water bottles as well as those that will let people use their toilets without being a customer. This is partly about raising awareness and partly about having fun.”Any one over the age of 10 and who is a Frome resident can vote and you will be asked to pick your first second and third choice. To find out more information about the projects or to have your say either call into vote to the Town Hall in in person, ring 01373 465757 or go to www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/peoples-budget-town-vote
Vote now by filling in the survey below, or in person at Frome Town Hall.
Images are artists impressions by Sarah Godsill