A Summer of Play is this year’s theme for the National Playday, and Frome Town Council are inviting young and old to join their Playday activities at Victoria Park and the Mary Baily Playing fields on Wednesday 4th August from 12 – 4pm. It promises to be an afternoon of fun and games for all to take part in.

The theme this year recognises the challenges everyone has faced over the past year and the need to enjoy and make time for play while having fun and being free of restrictions, so there will be an afternoon packed full of sports and games for all ages. The day will include competitions and prizes with activities such as storytelling and playful poetry to slacklining, skateboarding, graffiti boards and creative crafts, not to mention an array of sports including basketball, Rubgytots, tennis, martial arts and much, much more!
Mayor Andy Wrintmore said: “This is a much-needed afternoon of fun and games, and we encourage playing for all ages! It can be really beneficial for mental health and wellbeing, and gives us the opportunity to have fun, a laugh and take time out – and where better than in the sunshine in our wonderful park? There really is something for everyone, so why not come along and try your hand at something new, you may find you love it and will have created a new hobby! With more activities being added all the time, I can’t wait to get involved!”
The event is free to attend, and all the current covid restrictions will be followed on the day.