We’re asking the people of Frome to show their support for the events submitted in this year’s People’s Budget: Events. Three local charities are being considered; each one has provided a video to show you their ideas. Frome Town Council has hosted them on the Your Priorities website and would like to know what you think of the ideas. You will see a short video on each idea, you can then add your thoughts and show some support for your favourite.

Deputy Mayor Sara Butler said: “It’s a little different this year; it’s not a vote, and there’s not one winner, they’re all great ideas from great causes, and we would like to see them happen, but this is not our choice, it is the People’s Budget: Events. It is your choice. So, we would like to know what you think.”
The three events are:
Skate Park Fundraiser Launch
Young Somerset want to hold an exciting skateboarding event at the Cheese and Grain carpark to launch the Frome Skate Park Development Fundraising Campaign. It will be an inclusive event for everyone in Frome to either take part in or watch and be inspired by the skills and dedication of its young people. It will showcase the town’s talented skaters and highlight how skating has a positive impact not just on those that participate in the sport directly, but for the wider community. Young Somerset are looking for funding of £9800.
Santa’s Grotto at Boyle Cross
Active and In Touch want to run a magical Santa’s Grotto at Boyle Cross at an affordable cost for the families of Frome in the lead up to Christmas. Elves will welcome 600 children in timed slots, with 100 places free for those on low incomes. Children will also receive an age-appropriate gift from Frome businesses. The event will encourage less travel, shopping locally and supporting local businesses. Money raised will assist the charity in their work support lonely and isolated people. Active and In Touch are looking for funding of £5320.
It’s a Knockout
Rotary in Frome are proposing a fun family it’s a knockout day with up to 15 teams, of 10 people, from local businesses, community organisations, sports clubs and charities competing for a trophy. The event will be free, inclusive and open to the whole community. They will provide other family attractions and entertainment during the day and will invite community organisations, sports clubs and charities to set up stalls to promote their activities and, if they wish, raise money. The Rotary are looking for funding of £8500.
Please head over to the Your Priorities website to show the videos some love and add your thoughts by Monday 7th June: