Improve Don’t Move 2021
Improve Don’t Move returned to Frome Town Hall for a third year in September 2021. With a focus on sustainable retrofit and home improvement, the event offered a chance to meet local experts in renovation, insulation, home energy, design and more. 2021’s event was part of Frome’s Great Big Green Week programme.
Individual ‘ask the architect’ 30 minute sessions were also available to discuss project ideas one to one with local architects.
Frome Town Council has hosted two previous ‘Improve Don’t Move’ events, showcasing ways to refurbish your home to cut costs and carbon.
The events offered an opportunity for local residents to speak to architects, designers and contractors who specialise in home renovation, redesign and improvements so you can improve your home rather than selling up and buying elsewhere.
Improve Don’t Move exhibitors have included: Tonic Architecture, Paul Horton Designs who specialise in the design of timber buildings and furniture, PAAD architects, MJW Architects, Mark Kingsley Architects, Evolve Energy Solutions, Meadow in my Garden, Wessex Resolutions CIC, Edventure’s Edspace ‘cabin for all seasons’, IDDEA and home energy advice from CSE.