The principle is simple: regular litter picks throughout the town that are based on areas of need. Frome Town Council will supply equipment, the Litter Warriors’ group will decide the location and everyone is welcome to join in. The regular litter picks will be every two weeks, if you’d like to join, please email fromelitterwarriors@gmail.com.
If there is an area of Frome that you would like the litter warriors to add to their list, then please do get in touch with them on fromelitterwarriors@gmail.com.
Let’s keep Frome clean
As well as the Litter Warriors there are lots of people involved in keeping the town clean, including Frome Town Council and Somerset Council. Everybody can do their bit, whether it’s businesses sweeping outside their shops, people putting litter in bins or community groups tidying unloved areas.
Who does what?
- Here at Frome Town Council, we look after most of the parks and green spaces in Frome. We empty our bins once a day, every day – but if you see one that’s full let us know by calling 01373 465757
- Somerset Council is responsible for pretty much all of the other bins in the town and looks after most of the town’s roads and pavements, including roadside drains and street cleaning. You can report full bins directly to Somerset Council by calling 0300 123 2224 or by completing an online form
Help us keep Frome litter free
- Please do not litter.
- Use a bin for your rubbish and if you cannot find a bin, take your litter home with you.
- If you smoke, please dispose of cigarette butts in the bin (and make sure they’re extinguished fully!)
- Remind your friends that not only is littering anti-social behaviour, but it is also illegal. You can be fined up to £150 for dropping litter in the UK and if you don’t pay quickly, it can raise to £2,500.
- Frome Town Council have a number of litter pickers and bag hoops that can be borrowed from the Town Hall for organised litter picks. Please email kfraser@frometowncouncil.gov.uk to organise collection.
- You can also find litter pick stations at Frome Library and Victoria Park Community Café during opening hours. Please note that you will need to provide your own bags, gloves and appropriate clothing.
- Join Frome Families for the Future at their monthly Family Litter Picks – all welcome. Check out their Instagram page for details.
- Have you seen a bin that is overflowing, or damaged? You can report it on the Somerset Council website.
Contact us on 01373 465757 or at info@frometowncouncil.gov.uk to find out more. Alternatively, pop in to the Town Hall to have a chat.