BT continually review the demand for their payphones across the district and they’ve identified 2 public payphones in Frome that are seldom used. These are the phones on Wallbridge opposite Station Approach, and the phone on Austin Close, opposite Culverhill Co-op. Research has found that these phone boxes are being used on average between 8-9 times per month, so BT are consulting on the potential removal due to low usage.

BT add: “Overall use of payphones has declined by over 90 per cent in the last decade and the need to provide payphones for use in emergency situations is diminishing all the time, with at least 98 per cent of the UK now having mobile call coverage. This is important because as long as there is mobile network coverage, it’s possible to call the emergency services, even when there is no coverage from your own mobile network provider.”
Through Mendip District Council, BT are inviting consultation responses. BT want to know what the community think about the proposal to remove the payphones, but they are also interested in whether the community want to adopt them for other purposes. We’ve seen in other areas that communities are looking at new ways of using old phone boxes, they can be adopted and used for things like defibrillators, mini libraries, you could even turn one into a Share box.
BT would really appreciate your help and feedback on whether the payphones are still needed. The consultation will run until 17th June 2021, so please submit your responses before then. They are welcoming all feedback so please do email with your responses.
For more information on adopting a phone box, please visit