By the time this column is published, we should know the plans for the development of the Saxonvale site. We’re also expecting to have a first response from Somerset Council on the Devolution Deal for Frome, so some exciting things in the pipeline. If you want to make sure your voice is heard on these or any other topics, do come along to our public council meetings in the town hall – details at the end of the column or on the Frome Town Council website.
Last month’s meeting was very well attended. We had several members of the public raise their own topics of concern and contribute to the discussion on FTC’s plans for the future, the level of the precept payable to the town council, and our support for further development of the Cheese & Grain. It was a good reminder of the strength of a council made up of independents, who don’t have to follow any party lines and are free to share their personal views and vote as their conscience requires.
There’s a whole bunch of things coming up in February, not least the Weylands Wassail! We’ll enjoy the traditional wassail festivities, which I’m told involve gathering in the orchard to ‘wake up’ the trees and scare away evil spirits by making loud noises with pots and pans. Wassailers then toast the trees (literally, by tying toast in the trees!) or by pouring cider or apple juice on their roots and drinking to them, led by the wassail performers. This year we also have some free apple tree saplings to give away, and there’s an opportunity to make your own bird feeder (booking required). Make a willow crown or a wassail stick, enjoy mulled cider or apple juice and enjoy Morris dancing and Frome Street Bandits!
The Weylands Wassail takes place in the green space behind Weylands/Whatcombe Road, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm on Saturday 8th February.
If you can’t join the wassail, there’s a further opportunity to grab a free apple sapling on Monday 10th February, at the rangers’ yard in Victoria Park between 3pm and 4.30pm.
The day before that, we have another tech amnesty scheduled for Sunday 2nd February in the town hall car park, 10am to 1pm. If you’ve upgraded any devices over Christmas, this is a great opportunity to see your old ones put to good use. It’s operated by DonateIT who collect, refurbish and redistribute phones, laptops, tablets and other digital devices to people who need them. Any data is securely removed to industry standards before anything is repurposed.
Later that week Anne & I are looking forward to enjoying Frome College’s production of Alice in Wonderland at The Merlin Theatre between Wednesday 5th February and Friday 7th February with performances starting at 7.30pm
The next full council meeting is on Wednesday 12th February at 7pm. The agenda and other documents are available a week in advance. Find out more at bit.ly/FTC-council-meetings.