I had the pleasure of being invited up to Critchill School’s Dog Show and Fun Day, last Sunday with the Deputy Mayor Sara Butler. It was great to have a look around the school, do the tombola, eat beautiful Indian food, plus present awards in their dog show, one of the many perks of the job!
The categories were a fun mix of waggiest tail, loveliest lady, owner that looks like their dog, best paw shaker and more. We had the great pleasure of awarding ‘Best in show’ to a gorgeous hound by the name of Yanto and well done to all the owners who came along and put their pups to the test!
I’ve also been to a street party in Victoria Road recently where the residents had worked together to arrange shutting off their road to traffic to create a safe area for the children to play in and for the adults to decorate the street with bunting, sunshades, deck chairs, tables for food and drinks and all the things you need for an all-day neighbourhood hangout. It was such a pleasure to sit and chat with the Victoria Road gang for a few hours without cars or any real disturbances and the kids really enjoyed being able to make use of the entire road for scootering, football, paddling pools, hopscotch, you name it, they seemed to be doing it! I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone reading this to consider planning their own to relax, connect with your neighbours, be social, play and generally unwind with your immediate community. I’d love to see more popping up all over Frome! If you’ve not got a Neighbourhood Network in your area, head over to www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/the-neighbourhood-network to see how you can easily set one up, there’s a whole host of knowledge and resources to help you.
By the time this goes to press ‘Freedom Day’ would have been and gone. It’s a controversial subject at the moment with many leading supermarkets and many of our independent businesses opting to retain mask wearing and distancing while shopping with them. The pandemic isn’t over, in fact it’s still very much happening so I urge you to look after yourself, be safe and careful and please be kind, courteous and understanding of those who wish to be very cautious still and may be struggling with the pace that life is undoubtedly going back to. We never know truly what’s happening in people’s lives, their health or the health of their loved ones and I think it’s entirely understandable to be careful if not more careful in post lockdown times. We’ve done so well during this pandemic to look after each other and retain our famous community spirit so let’s continue this into the weeks ahead. Head over to the FTC website to see how you can keep you and others safe: https://www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/keeping-yourself-and-others-safe/