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Make your music heard with Frome Busks

Young people with a passion for music have just over two weeks left to enter this year’s Frome Busks.

The selected up and coming musicians will hit the streets on Saturday 30 March and will each perform a 20-minute set before rotating on to the next location in the town.

Mayor of Frome, Richard Ackroyd said, “I got involved with Frome Busks last year by performing with Frome Ukulele Club and was blown away by the sheer amount of talent our local young musicians have. Let’s build on that this year and get even more artists to enter for the chance to build their confidence and perform in front of a live audience.  Who knows, they might even be lucky enough to raise some cash in the process!”

The performances will be considered by a panel of judges and the winner will be given the opportunity to gain even more exposure by performing at 23 Bath Street and Sunrise Celebration Festival.

If you are under the age of 25 and want to be in it to win it then you simply have to email Frome Town Council by 4th March with a link to your music or a video of you performing. Emails should be sent to info@frometowncouncil.gov.uk with the subject Frome Busks.

7 February 2019
Last Updated
19 January 2021
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