Climate Emergency Planning Guide 2021
Parish and Town Councils can make a big difference for meeting climate targets and reducing emissions, but there is often a lack of guidance on how to do so. Therefore, Frome Town Council has produced the Planning Guide, a document to collate and present the actions being taken to hit our net-zero emissions goals.
If you have any queries, please contact Alex Nettle, our Resilience Communications Officer, at anettle@frometowncouncil.gov.uk or 01373 481958.
Climate Emergency, What Next for Town and Parish Councils?
Frome Town Council has been hosting a series of webinars to share ideas and projects with other towns and parishes. The second of the series took place on 17th June 2020.
Anna Francis, Resilience Manager of Frome Town Council, Ben Plummer, Climate Emergency Project Officer of Colchester Borough Council, Steve Mewes Director of Somerset Climate Action Network and Sarah Briton, Councillor of Wells City Council share the following resources during the session:
Zero Carbon Towns – Making It Happen, June 2018
Cutting emissions in our towns is vital to minimise the risks of climate change, to reduce the impact of air pollution and create energy resilience. But how can we make this happen? And where are we now?
To answer some of these questions Frome Town Council brought together Climate Works, the Centre for Alternative Technology and councillors and policy makers from around the South West and further afield. This was followed by Paul Allen’s ‘Extraordinary Story of Human Beings, Energy and Happiness.’
Anna Francis, Resilience Manager at Frome Town Council – watch Anna’s presentation
Paul Allen, Centre for Alternative Technology – watch Paul’s presentation
and take a look at the following documents from Frome Town Council, Mark Letcher of Climate Works, Paul Allen of the Centre for Alternative Technology and group discussion notes:
More information, reports and tool-kits are available from from CAT / Zero Carbon Britain.