Following the success of their session at the Kindness Festival back in March, Frome’s Let’s Talk community group have scheduled a further 2-hour taster session on Thursday 4th May from 7pm – 9pm at the Cheese and Grain.

Frome Town Council’s Community Officer and member of the Let’s Talk group, Hannah Stopford, said: “We’ve added this extra session in the evening to hopefully allow more people to come and get an introduction to some of the ideas and approaches that aim to improve communication – which can help when a tricky conversation needs to take place! It’s only 2 hours and will be engaging and interactive, and attendees will leave with some concrete tools and real-life examples which can be referenced in our everyday communications”.
This workshop is designed and run by the community group and all of their members have received some training in restorative conversations which has been really helpful in their own lives. They want to share this with the people of Frome in the hope it can be as useful and inspirational to others. The previous sessions that they’ve run have been invaluable and have led to further in-depth workshops around the subject and new members joining the community group.
Esmé said: “I’ve been a member of the Let’s Talk group for two years, and I’m learning all the time. I find the tools valuable in all areas of my life, but even more valuable is the opportunity to practise them with the support of the group, to try things out – sometimes successfully, and sometimes discovering that I need to rethink and try again – and to keep building my knowledge and my confidence. From the newly trained to those who have been exploring this work for years, we are all continuing to learn together, all the time. I really love that.”
This workshop aims to give you the tools and confidence you need to shift your communication style away from one of conflict, resentment and towards one of honesty, effectiveness and healing. Tickets are free, so book your space now.
Find out more about the Let’s Talk group.