Please see the latest update from our Town Clerk, Paul Wynne, below:
Update from Frome Town Council no. 86
Rangers recent work
Sunshine means grass cutting and some tlc for Millennium Green & The Roundhouse at Welshmill. There are also new bins at The Otherside and improvements to Zion path. We’re planting up at the moment too, so watch this space. All in a day’s work for the Town’s Rangers.
Community groups brunch
Come and join Spark and Frome Town Council for brunch in the new Frome Town Hall to help us shape support and training for community groups in the coming year.
FTC appoints agents to advise on Saxonvale regeneration
We have now appointed Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) to advise us on the proposed development of FTC land at Saxonvale. The aim is to identify a joint venture developer/investor partner that can work with us to deliver much needed workspace. JLL are highly experienced in this area of work and have supported clients on other important regeneration projects in the region. These include Innovation Quays in Bath and Temple Quay Enterprise Zone in Bristol to name just two. For further information on this project please contact Peter Wheelhouse
E- Car Update
Frome Town Council is switching providers for the Frome Car Share scheme so that the town has the electric car club it originally set out to achieve to help meet the towns fossil fuel free and cleaner air ambitions.
When the Co-Wheels car share scheme originally came to town it provided Frome with an electric car with aims to increase the electric car fleet. Unfortunately the scheme withdrew the electric car at the end of 2016 and left the town with one fossil fuelled car and a petrol hybrid.
The council made the decision for E-Car Club to provide Frome with an electric car club and they will take on the existing Co-Wheels memberships from the 1st June as well as offer members a discount for other Europcar hire.
E-Car Club will also be operating in Bath and Midsomer Norton.
The new partnership will bring a fleet of brand new fully-electric cars to Frome, including the technologically advance Renault ZOE hatchback. Which comes with an average range of 70 – 90 miles per charge, perfect for most day-to-day journeys.
The electric vehicles will now be located at the electric car charging station bays at; The Cheese & Grain Car Park and Frome Town Hall.
To claim this promotion if you are an existing Co-Wheels member or to become a new E-Car Club member, please email
NB – E- Car Club has left Frome in June 2018. Please refer to Co-Wheels car club.
Starters and returners
On Tuesday 30 May, Nicola Cretney will be starting work as our new Health & Wellbeing Manager. Her main role will be to develop a coordinated strategic plan for improving community health and wellbeing in the town. She will be working closely with Kate Hellard, our Community Projects Officer and with partners in the town.
On Tuesday 6 June, Anna Francis (above), our Resilience Manager will be returning to work following a period of maternity leave. Welcome back!
Thanks go to Cara Naden who has done a great job whilst Anna has been away. Cara is now working on projects in the town’s parks & green spaces, as well as promoting walking & cycling in Frome. Early projects on the list for Cara include tree trails and ‘Explore More’ flyers for places like Rodden Meadow and North Parade.
New Fundraiser Posts
Both the external and the internal Fundraiser posts are now advertised. Please click here on the link or for further information contact
Voluntea in the Park – Frome Town Council’s thank you to Frome Volunteers.
High tea in Victoria Park on Sunday 4th June 2pm – 4pm will be served to all of Frome’s Volunteers, from town councillors, trustees, school association parent supporters, befrienders, scout leaders to fundraisers and volunteer drivers, you are ALL invited to join us. Register for your place at the table here. Or contact Frome Town Council on 01373 465757.
Congratulations go to Frome Fire Cadets for a successful crowdfund campaign. In its first 3 months Crowdfund Frome has leveraged in £8500 of extra funding.
To find out how to launch a campaign click on the link on the picture below or contact We are now looking for other community groups and organisations to start a campaign.
Congratulations also to Frome Missing Link for the successful completion today of the School Travel Challenge. This was the first event to be funded through Participatory Budgeting and the first to be completed.
Cercis siliquastrum
There are two Judas trees in Victoria Park – and late April to May is when their pink flowers are at their best. The flowers tend to appear on older growth. And – as they’re doing in the park – they sometimes even grow on the trunk. You can find our Judas trees between the bowls club and the old pitch & putt; they’re numbered 732 & 733
And finally At the Annual meeting of Frome Town Council on Wednesday 24 May, Toby Eliot handed over the Mayoral chain to Sheila Gore. Deputies to Sheila will be Tim O’Connor and Nick White. If you would like to invite the Mayor to an event you are holding please contact Laura and she will arrange.