Please see the latest update from our Town Clerk Paul below:
Update from Frome Town Council No. 83
Frome Town Council’s Volunteer driver scheme
Frome Community Cars had a very successful promotion day at the Frome Medical Centre on Friday 3rd February and has now signed up more Frome residents who struggle to access public transport to get to their medical and social appointments. The scheme is now seeking more volunteer drivers to help with the demand as well as anyone in the local community who may have a wheelchair accessible car to use as a community car. Volunteers can give any amount of time and will receive expenses to cover the costs of using their car for these journeys. For more info about joining the scheme as a user or volunteer driver please email
Co-Wheels Car Club
There are two Co-Wheels cars in Frome. Soon both will be located at Frome Town Hall and are being used regularly. It’s a great scheme and we’d encourage anyone who doesn’t have a car or who needs access to an additional one now to join up. It really is good value, especially for shorter trips as you pay by the hour. Please email Cara here at the Town Hall if you want more information. Sadly, our third car – the Nissan LEAF electric car – has been re-located to another town as Frome didn’t have enough people driving it. We’re a bit disappointed about this because Co-Wheels gave us no warning. Undeterred, we are pressing ahead with a recruitment drive to sign up more club members.
The next Discuss & Do features Crowdfund Frome
On 28th February at 6pm, the next Discuss & Do discussion will be at The Assembly Rooms and the panel will feature members of the local business community who have run successful crowdsourcing campaigns. They’ll be there to answer questions about what it is, how to launch a campaign and what you can achieve if you’re successful. Find out more about the panel members’ successful campaigns here: Discuss & Do is a free event, however, registration is via this link Please contact Charlie Orr here for further information.
Frome Business Breakfast: Supporting Frome’s Micro-Enterprises
The Frome Business Breakfast in March will focus on the micro-enterprises of Frome and will be held at The Cheese and Grain on Tuesday, 7th March. Beginning at 7.00 a.m., Jean Boulton & Peter Wheelhouse will lead this session with a look at how the micro-enterprise sector has gained strength in Frome and will be followed by a workshop on how the development of local micro-enterprises can be supported in the future. The event costs £10 per person with the breakfast included in the price. Registration is via the following link, Please contact Charlie Orr here for further information.
Out in the parks and open spaces……
Rangers Dave, Mark, Michael and Red planted Crocuses bulbs last year with Frome Rotary Club and Critchill School that are now in bloom in Boyles Cross and at North Parade. They’ve also been clearing ivy and carrying out all the tree work that needs to happen in advance of the bird nesting season.
Here is our new vegetable bed at the Roundhouse open space that our Rangers have built ready to be planted up by volunteers tomorrow (Saturday). The Rangers have also built a new bin store at New bin store at Victoria Park
As you can see, the Rangers have all passed the next level of chainsaw training. This means they can fell smaller trees – speeding up their work around the town! Elsewhere, the specialist tree works along the river corridor have been finished, as well.
If you want to volunteer and get some fresh air, exercise and the good feeling of a job well done, please drop our Environment Manager Chris Stringer a line, click here
Governance for Trustees training 15 and 16 March
As part of Frome Town Council’s rolling training programme for not-for-profit organisations, charities and community groups, the next workshop will cover ‘Governance for Trustees’ on 15th and 16th March 2017, 6 – 8pm, at The Refectory, Forward Space on Butts Hill, Frome BA11 1HR.
As Kate Hellard, Community Projects Officer who hears what local groups want and then arranges their training says, “This will be an interactive course and there will be ample opportunity for questions throughout. We shall start by considering what is governance – and then cover the key roles and legal responsibilities of charity trustees and committee members before looking at some practical governance issues.” For more information or to get Kate’s contact details click on our website here.