If you’d like to hold an event in one of the parks or open spaces that we look after here at Frome Town Council, then you need to let us know what you’re planning and when, so we can give you the okay.
By doing this we can check that your event doesn’t clash with anything else going on. And some activities might not be suitable for our parks and open spaces either – in which case we can provide you with some help and advice.
We look after
- Mary Baily
- Victoria Park (including the bandstand)
- Welshmill
- The Otherside & The Roundhouse
- Weylands
- North Parade
- Rodden Meadow
- New Road park
- The Dippy
- The Old Showfield
If you would like to use one of our open spaces for an activity or event, please complete this form and return to Nykki Mehta at Frome Town Council:
What we need to know
Whether you’re an organisation, group or individual, we need to know what kind of event you’re planning:
- Community day or fundraising
- Concerts/entertainment
- Shows or a fete etc.
- Sporting events, for example archery
We need to know if you would like assistance setting equipment up, or if you will have your own equipment on site – and what it is.
We need to see a copy of your public liability insurance, and sign off a risk assessment.
If you require electricity, this can be made at Victoria Park (Band Stand only) .
The public toilets in Victoria Park are open at the weekends, from morning until afternoon during winter and from morning until early evening during summer. Please bear this in mind if your event starts or finishes after dark.
If you would like to close a road for an event, permission is required from Somerset Council.
If your event includes any of the following you may require a licence, we will need to see a copy of this as well nearer the date:
- Fundraising activities
- Public entertainment
- Selling goods or food
- The sale and supply of alcohol
Don’t forget health and safety
All litter from the event must be cleared from site by you or your team.
Don’t allow your event to be a nuisance for neighbours – respect local residents who live nearby the space.
Emergency access routes must be kept clear at all times.
We’ve put together some top tips for organising a community event or street party.
If you want to have an event on Somerset Council land
Somerset Council has land and premises you can use for an event. Somerset Council has a useful document to help you plan your event:
Show you have a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) licence if your event includes public entertainment and/or the sale and supply of alcohol.
Provide proof of a minimum of £5 million public liability insurance.
Provide a risk assessment and fire risk assessment.