Frome Town Council is excited to be working with Somerset County Council and Sustrans on the relaunch of the Frome School Streets project. The trial was put on hold last year, but now the team would like to work with the community to find a workable solution to safer streets around our schools.
‘School Streets’ enable safer and less congested roads by prioritising walking and cycling while limiting vehicular through-traffic. The aim is to design streets that encourage more families to actively travel to school, while maintaining access for anyone who lives and works in the area. The solutions will help reduce air pollution, enable social distancing, and create child friendly streets.
The project is exploring making the streets around Oakfield Academy, Trinity First School, Critchill School, Avanti Park School and Bright Stars nursery safer for people to walk, cycle or scoot to, by creating ‘School Streets’. It is key that residents engage with the plans and share their local knowledge and feedback to co-design the project and deliver safer streets for our whole community.
Cllr Anne Hills said: “We’re looking to the community for their thoughts and ideas, and we’ll be running a series of events from this September for all to get involved in. We’re looking for feedback in the first instance and then help to co-design the changes before we trial them next Spring 2022. As the people that live, work or travel on the local streets, we need your help to make them better and safer for everyone. We’d like to hear your views.”
The first event will take place on Tuesday 21st September, there will be a meeting held by the play equipment in the Mary Baily Playing Field from 3:30pm (or in the bandstand in Victoria Park if it’s wet) and all are welcome to come and share their thoughts on the project. Plus, there will be an online session in the evening at 6pm.
For further information and for details on more engagement opportunities, please head to the Frome School Street page.