Frome’s many community groups are poised to continue supporting Frome residents during lockdown. Many of the groups who were actively supporting residents in previous lockdown continue to have systems in place to assist residents.

There is a Somerset Coronavirus support line which is running 7 days a week which will signpost to services – 0300 790 6275.
Mindline Somerset provide central access to mental health support 24/7 providing a gateway to access all Mental health services – 01823 276 892.
The Citizens Advice Mendip continue to support online and over the phone, 0344 889 623.
Health Connections Mendip continue to be well placed to offer support around health issues 01373 468 368 and other local groups are continuing to offer support their services.
Fair Frome our local food bank will continue to support residents who need additional help with food, they can be contacted on 01373 488 578. They are also restarting their ‘Food at Five’ event starting on 4th January at 5pm on Mondays at The Mount Community Hut, Wednesdays at the Frome Cricket Club, and Thursdays at Trinity Church Hall. These hot, healthy freshly cooked meals are designed for anyone receiving benefits or on a low income. Social distancing is observed, and there’s a warm welcome waiting – just turn up on the day.
Active and In Touch are ready and poised to assist where needed during this next lockdown. Their befriending service will be running, offering a friendly voice at the end of the phone for anyone who needs some company.
The Shop For Me service is also primed to support individuals and families who are isolated and need support around shopping. Their volunteers will be matched with those who are unable to get to the shops themselves if they are isolating or shielding. There is a team ready to answer emails, or you can call them on 07539 795261 .
Frome’s Community Drivers are also available to assist with picking up prescriptions or to help those needing to attend Drs appointments. Dougie Brown, from Active and In Touch said: “As we enter this next lockdown, we want to reassure those who are lonely or feeling isolated that there is help available. Whether it’s a friendly ear or to help with shopping. Most importantly, some of our most vulnerable members of our community will be offered the vaccine, Frome Community Drivers are available to safely help with transport to these vaccination appointments to ensure the vaccines are delivered to those who need it most. For help with transport please either call 07596 591391 or email us at Active and In Touch, where we will be assisting with the arrangements: ”
Alternatively, you can call Frome Town Council on 01373 465 757 and where we will continue to signpost residents to services.