The first round of ideas for how you would like to spend £10,000 in our town are in. And now it’s time to see what you think.
Frome Town Council launched the ‘Have your say’ consultation in July and received over 250 responses in the first instance. Residents were asked three questions:
- What is your favourite thing about living in Frome and why?
- What one thing would you like to see happen in your neighbourhood?
- How would you spend £10,000 to improve the lives of the people of Frome?
Feedback and project suggestions covered a variety of areas, from community development work and activities for young people to making more of the river and green spaces, resilience and support for older and isolated residents. You can view the results here. The projects were then sorted to ensure that projects would be able to be delivered into lots of ideas that are now live on Your Priorities, which you can see here. Or come and view at the Town Hall or Discover Frome Information Point anytime over the coming month.
This platform gives you the opportunity to have your voice heard. Individuals can approve or disapprove of ideas, add comments and even add their own ideas to be considered. You can find out more about how this process is working through the links below. Frome Town Council are actively encouraging residents to let them know how you feel.
Cllr Shelia Gore said, “We’ve been so impressed by the variety of people’s ideas and how passionate they are about the local community. Getting the people of Frome to decide how they want to see money spent in Frome helps us to make sure we are delivering projects and services that local people really want and need. It also shows us the sorts of projects that we should be working on for the people of Frome so we would urge everyone to get involved, get the conversation going and show us, the council, what you want.”
During the consultation there were a few suggestions around parking, shops and infrastructure which Frome Town Council does not have direct influence over. These will be fed back to Mendip District Council and Somerset County Council. There were also event ideas which although not eligible for this round will go forward to the next round of the People’s Budget Events Vote.
Once the debate has taken place a group made up of local people who have already participated in the Have your say 2019 will then meet on 22 September to decide which ideas to take forward to the People’s Budget Town vote 2019. The deadline for new ideas and comments is 9am on 18th September.Add & Review Projects Criteria for Projects What happens Next