Frome’s Wild Bunch are preparing for a summer of growing, gardening and creating glorious wildlife habitats with a bumper crop of gatherings planned for the season ahead.
The group are welcoming Paul Jupp from Meadow in My Garden on Thursday 21st April at 1.30pm to talk about all things wildflowers and how to transform grassed areas into beautiful, insect-friendly havens. Following on from this, there will be several sessions over the summer for anyone interested in welcoming wildlife into our gardens and green spaces:
19th May – Successional planting will explore what we can plant, and when, to make sure that we have overlapping offers for wildlife in our gardens.
16th June – Pond dipping on location at Welshmill Pond where the group will be investigating the wildlife at the new pond, trying out some pond-dipping methods and talking about amphibians.
21st July – Butterfly enthusiasts will share what they know about all things lepidopterological as part of the national Big Butterfly Count.
Hannah Stopford, Community Development Project Officer at Frome Town Council said, “The Wild Bunch is a relaxed and friendly group of nature enthusiasts. With our help they also plan to support projects that create wildlife friendly environments in streets, such as bird and bat box building, hedgehog highway routes, shelter boxes and planters. Watch this space for events that you and your neighbours could get involved in.”
Wild Bunch is supported by Frome Town Council to champion biodiversity and local wildlife as well connecting neighbours together. The team are also encouraging the community to help track Frome’s wilder inhabitants with the town’s wildlife mapping project on iNaturalist. To learn more head over to Wild About Frome.
Wild Bunch gatherings take place on the third Thursday of every month, 1.30pm – 2.30pm at Frome Town Hall, with an option to join online via Zoom. Find out more and join any, or all, of the gatherings by booking your spot.