Back for its eighth year, the Great British Spring Clean is a UK wide campaign that takes place between 7th March and 2nd April, and this year they are focusing on the pride ‘Litter Heroes’ have for their local community.
So, Frome Town Council staff and councillors, alongside the Litter Warriors and Hoedowners, will be meeting at the Boyle Cross on Thursday 30th March from 10am – 12pm to have a litter pick, tidy up and paint, and they’re hoping for more volunteers to help make light work!
Cllr Nick Dove said: “Now is a great time to give our town centre a bit of a spring clean; as the days are getting warmer and we spend more time outside, sprucing up the heart of Frome will make us appreciate our wonderful town and how lucky we are to live here, and also offer a warm welcome to visitors. If every person in Frome tidied the area outside their house, or every shop did a little clean outside their premises, we’d have Frome looking fabulous in no time!”
Litter-picking is a simple action that anyone can do to make an immediate and visible difference to their area – 85% of those who took part in last year’s Great British Spring Clean reported that taking part made them feel more pride in their local area. And 74% said it improved their mood too!
So, if you want to join in the Great Big Spring Clean, just pop down to the Boyle Cross on Thursday 30th at 10am, equipment and refreshments will be provided, just bring willing hands and sturdy shoes. Please let us know you are coming by signing up here.