On Tuesday, 9th May, the Torbay Development Agency will be hosting free business advice sessions at Forward Space. Spaces for the sessions are limited, so please book ahead here: https://eventpilot.evolutive.co.uk/eventDetails.aspx?siteId=216&eventNo=679006
What is face to face support?
Sometimes you need someone you can trust to talk to. In business, having a personal advisor can make a huge difference. Their Business Advisors are here to offer you that personal support through face to face meetings, and they want to help your business grow!
How does it benefit you?
Face to face meetings with a Business Advisor can:
•Clarify your business plan
•Give you reassurance and support
•Provide practical advice
•Provide advice on financing and development
•Give you access to valuable business contacts and knowledge.
•Signpost valuable resources
Face to face business support is applicable for developing businesses. It can also help you source funding, or even find a location to set up your business.
For growing businesses, face to face support can help you to create a growth plan that will help you achieve your goals.
And….. it’s FREE!