Plastic seems to be everywhere nowadays, and we all want to do our bit to reduce the amount of plastic we use. There are simple things we can all do personally to tackle the plastic pollution crisis without having to make lifestyle changes.
Everyday Plastic and Greenpeace’s national Big Plastic Count campaign will be running from the 16th-22nd May. Their idea is simple, they’ve devised a nationwide survey to count all of the plastic thrown out of British homes in one week.

Those participating simply have to tally up all the plastic waste disposed of across those seven days and send it to the Big Plastic Count team to add to their records.
Frome is already making enormous strides towards reducing its plastic footprint, with plenty of plastic-free businesses, a Library of Things where people can hire objects at a low price rather than have to buy their own, and even a PPE recycling point. There are several continuous campaigns that focus on switching to plastic free sanitary products and providing recycling facilities for materials not easily recycled such as inhalers and contact lenses.
However, Frome is not free of plastic waste, and globally the problem is getting worse. From the food we buy, to the toiletries we use, even to the clothes we wear, plastic is all around us. This campaign will provide Greenpeace and Everyday Plastic with the information they need to prove to supermarkets, big brands, and most importantly governments that things urgently need to change.
Nikki Brain, Frome Town Council’s Resilience Officer said: “If we all take small steps in reducing our plastic usage, collectively this can make a significant difference. The Big Plastic Count is a great survey to highlight the amount of plastic usage. Why not visit Frome Town Council’s website for further ideas on how to reduce waste?”
Further details can be found on the Reduce Waste page and sign up for the Big Plastic Count here to receive your information pack with a full how-to guide.