Following six months of community engagement the co-designed draft School Streets plan will be ready for your final feedback from the first week in December.
On behalf of Frome Town Council, Sustrans has been speaking with those who live, work and use the suggested area to create a draft design which when trialled, will encourage active travel to school and the many benefits walking, cycling or scooting to school brings. The team of designers and engineers at Sustrans have used feedback gathered at a number of co-design sessions, surveys and meetings to create a draft School Streets design for Frome that is ready to share next month.
There are numerous ways you can view the new draft design and to comment, whether online or in person:
- Online – You can review the draft online from 3rd to 17th December, head over to https://somersetsustainabletransport.commonplace.is/
- Display – If it’s easier to see the proposal in person, it will be displayed at the Town Hall from 6th to 17th December, you will be able to leave suggestions in the comments box (the Town Hall is open Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm and Friday 9am – 4:30pm)
- Drop-in session – There will be two sessions when you can talk to Frome Town Council about the designs. These will be held at Frome Town Hall on Friday 10th December 9am -12pm and Thursday 16th December 1pm – 3pm
Cllr Paul Horton said: “We’re so grateful to get the views and opinions of the local community in the past few months, it’s provided ‘real’ information which the team at Sustrans have been able to apply to this draft design. Again, we’re asking for the town’s opinion and to review and feedback any comments on the draft design either in person or online. Please let us know your thoughts before the design is finalised and trialled next year.”
The Schools Streets project is funded by Somerset County Council as part of their Emergency Active Travel Fund. If you would like to be kept up to date with the School Streets project, please sign up to this newsletter to hear all the latest.