Frome’s Wild Bunch is open to anyone who is interested in gardening for wildlife in our private gardens and shared local green spaces. The group have a series of upcoming events and this January’s gathering focusses on what we can all do on our streets to encourage wildlife and how we might get our neighbours involved so that our garden habitats can link together.
At the session, which takes place online on Thursday 20th January from 1:30 – 2:30pm, you’ll hear from two streets who have been getting wild with their neighbours, and they’ll share ideas and tips to get started. Each gathering will begin with a brief introduction topic and this month, Wild Bunch member Simon will be sharing what he’s learnt about the divisive ‘weed’ Ragwort.
The Wild Bunch gatherings will take place on the third Thursday of every month, currently they will take place online but will move outside when the weather improves. To sign up visit: https://bit.ly/WildBunchFrome
Wild Bunch is supported by Frome Town Council and Deputy Mayor Cllr Sara Butler, a professional gardener herself, said: “Neighbours coming together to explore gardening and encourage the wildlife in our gardens is great on all levels – for our wild friends, our mental health and our communities.”
For more information head over to the Wild Bunch page.