It’s lovely to see the last of the blossom still hanging onto some trees in Frome, but as we approach summer many have already shed their pretty petals as we move into the next season in the tree calendar. Over the past few weeks Frome Town Council conducted their Blossom Together survey, asking the folks of Frome where they would like to see blossom trees planted for everyone to enjoy.
Cllr Anne Hills said: “We’ve received some great suggestions, with some really nice thoughts behind them. Whether it’s planting around some benches, adding a little colour to a pocket of land or even providing blossoming fruit trees for foraging, we are so pleased that so many residents got involved and shared their ideas.”
Helen Viner, the Wild about Trees Officer, and the Ranger team are assessing each suggestion and looking at the options of what can be planted around the town. Helen said: “We’ve loved all the ideas, and we’re currently looking at the locations suggested to see how we can spread the blossom joy far and wide across Frome when it comes to next spring, we’ll all be able to enjoy, whether we’re passing on our way to work or into town. A blossom circle at the Old Showfield was a favourite suggestion and will make a great feature, so we’re busy making plans and looking at designs. Watch this space!”