The Great Big Green Week is returning next week, and boasts an exciting programme of over 30 events. This Great Big Green Week will demonstrate that eco-friendly changes can even save some cash.
For example, at the Planet Friendly Living event between 7 and 9pm on Monday, representatives from local businesses and campaign groups are coming together to highlight the easy switches that can be made to help the planet, many of which also help our finances.
Using reusable menstrual products can save around £40 a year, and using share and repair shops keep many of your household goods and your wardrobe alive and well for much longer. So come along and find out how making small changes can help both you and the environment.
Other events may help you save costs later in the year. For example, Cycle Sunday will see the return of the Bike Jumble. At the Market Yard between 12 and 3pm, you can choose from hundreds of second-hand bikes at costs far below standard prices. And on Wednesday at 7pm the Big Green Clothes Swap gives you a chance to update your wardrobe and clear out any clothes you no longer need. There are no rules, so come along to the Silk Mill and take home whatever you want.
As energy bills rise, Friday 16th will see energy experts the Centre for Sustainable Energy provide a drop-in session all day at the Library. Anyone with questions about bills and cutting their energy usage can come along between 10am and 4pm for free.
On top of all of this, most of the events in the programme are free to attend. So whether it’s to celebrate the efforts you’ve already been making, to dip your toe into environmental issues or simply to have fun, check out the programme and come along.