Frome Town Council is delighted to be working with Earthwatch Europe in planting and looking after Frome’s first Tiny Forest. The Tiny Forest – which was planted at Egford Lane last weekend – is one of 12 Tiny Forests being planted across the country this year as part of Defra’s national Green Recovery Challenge Fund.
The size of a tennis court, Frome’s Tiny Forest will pack a big climate punch – housing 600 carefully selected native trees and plants. Collectively, the trees will store carbon, help to reduce flooding, increase biodiversity, and improve air quality. Tiny Forests are planted without the use of chemicals or fertilisers and the number of trees means the forest’s impact will be felt almost instantly.
Earthwatch Europe’s Tiny Forest Programme Manager Louise Hartley said: “Frome’s Tiny Forest will give the community an amazing opportunity to reconnect with nature on their doorstep. It will also play a vital part in our scientific research into how we can mitigate the effects of climate change.”
The Tiny Forest will also be part of the Queen’s Green Canopy, a project to celebrate the Queen’s upcoming Platinum Jubilee that will see individuals and groups across the country plant trees to mark the occasion – ensuring that the Jubilee celebrates the past and the present – and looks to the future.
Frome Town Council’s Deputy Leader Anita Collier said: “Green spaces are such an important part of our town – and we’re thrilled to be planting the Tiny Forest and creating a new space for people and for wildlife alike.”
Councillor Rich Ackroyd added: “There is something very rewarding about planting trees. Every year will see growth and increasing maturity. Each season brings different colours and shapes. Wildlife will live in the Tiny Forest. And with luck, each young tree will grow and outlive all of us to be enjoyed by our future generations. It always gives me a great sense of wellbeing to return to the places where I planted trees many years ago. To stand beneath them and say to no one in particular, ‘I planted that – well done me!’
We were delighted with the turn out on Saturday and to have the Friends of Egford Park supporting with refreshments and games was a lovely extra.”
After planting, community activity and research at the forest will continue to be supported by Earthwatch thanks to funding from MINI Electric.
Please email Friends of Egford Park if you would like to help with events and activities or become a Trustee.