Over 50 people took to the streets on the last Sunday of January to tidy 11 locations in Frome. People hoed together in Portway, Wallbridge, The Butts, Clink, Berkley and Vallis Roads, Westend and scores of others hoeing their own pavement.
Dalma Luttrell, with a team of 20 people cleared Westend said: “About 20 of us came together for many people’s joy, who use this important 300m link between Downtown and Whatcombe. Everybody said we will meet again to keep it clean.”
Yvonne McQuillan said: “Vallis Road done and dusted. We made 4 new friends! Thanks so much for helping and so lovely to meet you Trudy Massey, John, Lara and Liz. Vegan pastries and pies at half time from the wonderful Katy Harris’s market stall…yum and no need for Roundup !”
Becky Suzanne from Frome Town Rotary said “We have re-claimed and doubled the width of the footpath from Berkley junction towards Clink Road. Team work makes the dream work.”
Kathryn Riddick with a team of six widened the foot and cycle path from Wallbridge to Asda, said “We reclaimed much of the the pathway to Asda. Some great work done around Frome today”.
Mendip District Cllr Shane Collins, one of the organisers of Frome Hoedown said: “The sad truth is that after 12 years of government austerity and council cuts Mendip cannot afford person power and hand weeding which is what is needed now as grass takes over pavements and paths. Respect to the Frome residents who have stepped in, meaning no Roundup has been sprayed on our streets or polluted our river over the last 18 months. We have probably done around 20% of the Frome main streets, and hope to complete the job by May. “