UPDATE: The Community Fridge and Larder can be found in the brick shed outside Frome Town Hall. It is open everyday between 9am-5pm.
Frome’s Community Fridge and Larder have been temporarily relocated from the Cattle Market car park to Frome Town Hall to allow for maintenance to take place at the Loop de Loop building.
The Fridge and Larder will continue to operate as usual. The team of volunteers, led by Fridge Co-ordinator Terri Pitts manage twelve deliveries a day from local supermarkets and shops, saving a tonne of food waste from going to landfill every week. Anyone can help themselves to the surplus food available, between Frome Town Hall opening times Monday-Thursday 9.00am-5.00pm and Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm.
Frome’s Community Fridge was the first of its kind in the UK and was set up in May 2016 by Frome Town Council, Edventure: Frome and a team of volunteers in a bid to tackle food waste and food poverty. It is for retail businesses, restaurants and individual people to share food that is edible and would otherwise go to waste. Visit the Community Fridge page to find out more.
The Fridge is always in need of more volunteers. If you would like to volunteer or find out more contact fridge@edventurefrome.org.