Food is at the heart of local resilience and what we eat and how it is produced can have a huge impact on the planet. Frome Town Council is committed to supporting the development of a strong local food system where we can produce more of what we need here in Frome, support truly sustainable food production and keep money circulating in the local economy. We want locally produced, healthy food to be an option for all.
Who Feeds Frome? A first report from the Frome Food Network
Frome Town Council is pleased to have secured funding from Be The Earth foundation to commission a research project into Frome’s local food system.
Produced by local food writer and researcher Hugh Thomas, the report highlights many of the businesses doing food differently in and around Frome, producing food in a way that is kinder to people and planet while keeping more money in the local economy.
As part of the project, Frome Town Council partnered with Edventure’s Future Shed to host a workshop around local food. Over 40 people attended and went away with a list of actions and project ideas. This meeting has led to the formation of the Frome Food Network.
Producer survey
In 2020 Frome Town Council partnered with Frome Field 2 Fork to survey local food producers within a 40 mile radius of Frome to find out what challenges they face and what support they would benefit from.
The findings of the survey can be viewed here: