To Members of the Planning Committee
Fiona Barrows, Philip Campagna, Mark Dorrington, Andy Jones, Polly Lamb, Lisa Merryweather, Steve Tanner
This meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting, meaning that the meeting will take place both in person and via Zoom. If you would like to attend the meeting in person please contact Jane Llewellyn ( or 01373 475578).
Alternatively, you can attend the meeting virtually through Zoom, please register in advance for this meeting at: After registering via Zoom, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- Questions, comments and information from the public and Cllrs. In the first instance please email your questions to Jane Llewellyn at
- To agree the apologies of absence received
- Declaration of members’ interests
- To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2024.
- To consider the major planning applications received (see Planning Committee 12 December 2024 Appendix 1)
The next Planning Committee meeting is 9 January 2025.
If you require any further information, please contact Jane Llewellyn, 01373 475578 or .
Yours sincerely,

Jane Llewellyn, Planning and Development Officer
Frome Town Council
Frome Town Hall
Christchurch Street West
Frome, BA11 1EB
5 December 2024
For large print, Braille, audio or translated versions of meeting agendas and minutes, please contact Frome Town Hall on 01373 465757 or