Home > Keyford Ward > Nick Dove

Nick Dove

Care of Frome Town council Frome Town Hall Christchurch St W, Frome BA11 1EB
01373 465757
Independents for Frome
Keyford Ward
Declaration of Interests

Nick is a former police officer who was previously Head of UK Metropolitan Police Intelligence Bureau and Head of the Organised Crime Investigation Teams based in Kosovo.  After leaving the police he worked in various post conflict countries  primarily in the Balkans and in north and East Africa. 

Nick is really proud to be a Keyford Ward Councillor as it allows him to spend time meeting, talking and most importantly listening to many of the people who make Frome so special, the local independent traders. Having travelled extensively for work and pleasure, he really appreciate what we have in Frome; a broad collection of extraordinary businesses providing a hugely popular and unique destination for locals and visitors alike. He wants to support and nurture these businesses and work hard to maintain and enhance the beautiful town centre so that people continue to visit Frome. If everyone makes a conscious effort to spend just £5 a week in one of our local independent shops, cafes, bars or restaurants then he believes that we can not only survive this challenging time but come out the other side stronger, and ready to welcome back visitors to Frome.

16 May 2019
Last Updated
21 May 2024