Somerset has a huge variety of public footpaths, which are on the most part overseen by the Public Rights of Way Network. The county has over 9000 rights of way and varies from long distance routes, to a number of circular routes and smaller local country paths.
The majority of the public rights of way network in Somerset is made up of public footpaths, where access for use is mostly on foot. However there are a number of public footpaths which also include use for horse-riding and cycling, as well as walking! A few public footpaths also allow cars etc. to access them.
Somerset Council is responsible for maintenance and administration of a number of footpaths, as well as preserving your rights to use these networks. The Council has also published a Rights of Way Improvement Plan under the Somerset Local Access Forum. More information, plus a downloadable version of the Plan can be find on the Somerset Council’s Public Rights of Way page.
A specialist team deals exclusively with these rights of way issues, which are delivered in partnership with other District/Borough Councils.
Report a problem with a public footpath or right of way
You can contact the Rights of Way team at the address below or report an issue online.
If you feel there is illegal activity taking place on a public right of way you should report it to the Police using the 101 phone number.
You can volunteer to help look after a range of public footpaths with Somerset Council. Find out more on the Somerset volunteering website, email rowvolunteers@somerset.gov.uk or telephone 0300 123 2224.
If you use a public footpath please respect and stick to the County’s countryside code by:
- Planning your route and following sign posts so you don’t wander onto private land
- Leave gates and any property as you find them
- Respect and help to protect plants, animals and local wildlife
- Take any litter home with you, or use authentic bins provided along a pathway
- Keep children and dogs under control and ensure your safety at all times
Adopt a foot path
If you enjoy the public rights of way in and around Frome – or you have one on your doorstep – then why not get more involved by adopting a path?
Find out by contacting the Rights of Way team at Somerset Council on 0300 123 2224 or at rowvolunteers@somerset.gov.uk
Please do tell us about your routes, walks and runs using the rights of way network in Frome. You can also explore our Parks & Green Spaces pages and find walking maps on Discover Frome.
To contact the Rights of Way team:
Rights of Way Team
Somerset Council
County Hall
Telephone: 0300 123 2224
Email: rightsofway@somerset.gov.uk