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Litter, Dog Waste Bins and Dog Fouling

dog waste bin

Somerset Council provides most of the litter and dog waste bins throughout the Mendip area. Sometimes the Parish Council will purchase a bin and Somerset Council will maintain it.

Litter bins in busy areas may be emptied twice a day, dog waste bins are usually emptied once a week.

Litter Bins

You can help keep Frome clean by using the litter bins provided whenever possible, or by taking your litter home with you. The environment in which we live has a big impact on our wellbeing and quality of life and we want Frome to be a great place to live. It’s key that we all play our part and work together to conserve and protect our natural environment, and keep our parks and open spaces, our footpaths, hedgerows, and our green and river corridors litter free.

Help us keep Frome litter free

  • Please do not litter.
  • Use a bin for your rubbish and if you cannot find a bin, take your litter home with you.
  • Remind your friends that not only is littering anti-social behaviour, but it is also illegal. You can be fined up to £150 for dropping litter in the UK and if you don’t pay quickly, it can raise to £2,500.
  • Frome Town Council have a number of litter pickers and bag hoops that can be borrowed from the Town Hall for organised litter picks. Please email kfraser@frometowncouncil.gov.uk to organise collection.
  • You can also find litter pick stations at Frome Library and Victoria Park Community Café during opening hours. Please note that you will need to provide your own bags, gloves and appropriate clothing.
  • Join Frome Families for the Future at their monthly Family Litter Picks – all welcome. Check out their Instagram page for details.
  • Have you seen a bin that is overflowing, or damaged?  You can report it on the Somerset Council website.

Dog Bins and Dog Fouling

Did you know you are legally required to clear up after your dog has fouled in an area of land that is open to the air, and to which the public have access? This is under the Dog (Fouling of Land) Act 1996, which came into force on 1 May 1997. Dog faeces can be harmful to people, caused by an infection called Toxocara canis (spread from infected animals to humans through contact with animal faeces).

Does a dog waste bin need emptying? Report it on the Somerset Council website.

What can we all do?

It is every dog owner’s obligation to clear up after their dog. If you own a dog you can make things easier by thinking and planning ahead when out and about. For example making sure you have dog poo bags with you at all times, and after you’ve picked up after your dog, find a suitable bin to place it in. Please be mindful and respectful of others when disposing of any dog waste.

Report someone not picking up after their dog

To make a report, fill in Somerset Council’s online form or telephone 0300 123 2224 (Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm).

Or by writing to

Somerset Council
County Hall
The Crescent

You can also report issues happening on Frome Town Council owned land to info@frometowncouncil.gov.uk or by calling 01373 465757.

If you’d like to request a new bin please contact us at info@frometowncouncil.gov.uk or by using Somerset Council’s online form.

22 October 2015
Last Updated
26 February 2025