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Health Connections Mendip recruiting two Health Connectors roles
Are you good with people, a listener and motivator, flexible and adaptable…
FTC bans glyphosate with immediate effect following fresh approach at last night’s Council meeting
In order to encourage more people to get involved in decision making,…
Temporary closure of Cork Street car park this July
Cork Street car park in Frome is set to be closed for…
Local Businesses Offered Opportunity to Increase Recycling and Cut Costs
Frome Town Council has been working with local businesses to explore setting…
Be ‘sunsmart’ to protect children from the sun this summer
Somerset County Council is encouraging parents to be ‘sunsmart’ to protect their…
Town council takes steps to benefit local people with affordable self-build scheme
The interest in self-build housing has grown rapidly in recent years.  Such…
All welcome at Full Council meeting July 13th 2016
The next Frome Town Council meeting will take place Wednesday 13 July,…
New Town Map boards arrive in Frome
New Frome Town Maps have now been installed in 5 strategic locations…
Rail guide celebrates Frome events
The recently published Bristol to Weymouth line guide celebrates all that is…
Frome Mayor and Deputy running in aid of the Frome Gateway Club
Toby Eliot, Mayor of Frome, and Deputy Mayor Al O’Kane will both…
Grants available from Care provider for those addressing loneliness in Frome
A Frome-based care provider has decided to make its first community grants…
Frome street artists brighten up Frome’s parks
Frome street artists have been brightening up some of the town’s parks…
All invited to opening of the new Frome tennis courts
Frome Tennis Club, in association with Frome town council, is hosting an…
Discover how Frome town council has responded to business needs
Frome Business Breakfast meets every first Tuesday of the month – creating…
Find out how we can improve wellbeing in Frome at next Wellbeing Forum meeting
Frome Town Council has formed a Wellbeing Forum - a quarterly meeting…
Somerset campaign encourages us to all catch the bus
Local bus campaigners have launched a ‘Somerset Catch the Bus Campaign’ to…
Mendip District Council host Affordable Housing Day event
Mendip District Council is organising an Affordable Housing Day event, on Thursday…
Information day for a bereavement Coffee, Care and Cake Group at Frome Medical Practice
The Bereavement Centre is thinking of starting a monthly 'Coffee, Care and…
Temporary closure of Palmer Street this July
Somerset County Council as the Highway Authority has received an application for…
Update on the Copper Beech in St John’s churchyard – road closure
We’ve been advised that King Street & Vicarage Street are both set…
Discover the benefits of selling online with June’s Discuss and Do workshop
On 28 June, local business people and budding entrepreneurs will be getting together to…
Views wanted from Performing Arts Charities, Groups & Organisations
All schools, performing arts groups, community projects, charities and local arts organisations…
All welcome at the Council’s first Council Coordination meeting
On 15 June Frome town council will have its first Council Coordination…
Have your views heard by the County Council 18 June
Somerset County Council’s public engagement events are on the road again this…
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