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Spring clean for Frome thanks to latest litter pick
Nearly 20 Litter Warriors took to the streets on Saturday 13 April…
Boost your workforce with Frome’s Business Breakfast
The next Business Breakfast will delve into the world of apprenticeships and…
Temporary Road Closures for May
Westover and Lynwood Close Somerset County Council (as the Highway Authority) have…
Mayor’s Column 11 April 2019
My Dad used to say that if you “don't go looking for…
Market Place Phase 2 moves a step closer with planning application
Frome Town Council has now submitted a planning application to enable the…
Full House for Frome’s Solar Streets
Nearly 60 people attended the launch of Frome’s Solar Streets to find…
Resilience, five years on – what have we achieved?
Our Resilience Manager, Anna Francis just celebrated her five-year anniversary with Frome…
Playtime at Trinity School gets transformed
Trinity School has celebrated the opening of their new Scrapstore Playpod, with…
Who’s standing in the local parish and district elections
Parish (town) council and district council elections will be taking place on…
Sports Fest is back and it’s better than ever
Local charity, Frome’s Children’s Festival, are getting ready for their annual week…
Mayor’s Column 4 April 2019
Despite proven economic and health benefits, UK cycling gets a terrible deal…
Latest from the Council Chamber – Annual Town Meeting
Frome’s Annual Town meeting on 3 April was night of festivities. It…
Apprenticeship Conference at the Town Hall
Following the success of last year’s event, Frome Town Council hosted an…
Frome Busks brings music to the town’s streets
Frome’s streets were buzzing with activity on Saturday 30 March as musical…
Temporary Road Closures for April
Park Hill Drive Somerset County Council (as the Highway Authority) have issued…
Mayor’s Column 28 March 2019
“When you get a groove going, time flies” – Donald Fagan It’s…
The Peoples Budget: Events 2019 results are in! 
The results are in for the People’s Budget Events 2019. The 532…
Celebrate Frome at Annual Town Meeting 
Everyone is welcome at Frome’s Annual Town Meeting at 7pm on 3 April…
Mendip District Council and Frome Town Council are working together at Saxonvale 
Joint Statement from Mendip District Council and Frome Town Council Frome Town…
Frome leads the way with carbon neutral initiatives
Frome Town Hall is hosting a free event on Thursday 28th March at…
Frome Community Grants Round Open
Are you a community group or organisation looking for funding for a…
Frome Busks is hitting the streets in style
Frome’s favourite busking competition will be taking over the town’s streets on…
Frome’s Litter Warriors declare war on rubbish
After the success of their first litter pick in Stonebridge, Frome’s litter…
International Women’s Day Celebration a Success
Over 100 people attended Frome’s inaugural International Women’s Day event on Saturday…
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