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Latest from the virtual Council Chamber – Annual Council Meeting 20th May 2020
The Annual Council Meeting was held virtually on Wednesday night on Zoom…
What next for Frome?
Frome Town Council are looking to the future, to see what we've…
Mayor’s column 21 May 2020
This will be my final column, as at our Annual Meeting I…
Bitesized budgeting: help with personal housing costs
Following her successful budgeting in a crisis webinar last week (you can…
Housing hardship: Council calls for struggling tenants and landlords to get in touch
Please note: The information below is now outdated. Since 1st April 2023,…
Every mind matters
It is Mental Health Awareness Week this week and now, more than…
Mayor’s column 14 May 2020
It is now a year since I accepted the great honour of…
Learning from home
Many of us find ourselves with more free time while the lockdown…
Update on Frome Recycling Centre
Somerset Waste Partnership has announced that the Frome Recycling Centre will re-open…
Mayor’s column 7 May 2020
During this time of crisis, it is easy to think that we…
Still Wild about Frome
Last year we launched our Wild about Frome project; you may have…
Stay home, save lives and celebrate VE Day
Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) celebrates the formal acceptance by the…
Mayor’s Column 30th April 2020
I mentioned last week that we would be holding our first online…
Budgeting in a crisis workshops
These challenging times may mean we need to re look at our…
Emergency food parcels are a lifeline
During this lockdown period, all residents are reminded to keep an eye…
Latest from the (online) Council Chamber
We at Frome Town Council (FTC) are adhering to current government advice…
Mayor’s column 23 April 2020
I know that many of us are using this enforced period to…
When is it reasonable to leave the place you live?
There have been many articles and reports, with sometimes conflicting views, on…
Neighbourhoods coming together
Does your street have a neighbourhood group?  Is it part of a…
Mayor’s column 16 April 2020
Once we are back to normal after this crisis, I think we…
Help and support with domestic abuse
It's understandable that tensions at home may run high during this lock…
Mayor’s column 9 April 2020
At the time of writing we are carrying on our lives under…
Budgeting in a crisis
During these challenging times, it’s important to take control of your finances…
New services to support those in isolation in Frome
We are ramping up our community support again this week to deliver…
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