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Mayor’s Column

Mayor’s Column 11 July 2019
Last Saturday it gave me great pleasure to stand on the stage…
Mayor’s Column 4 July 2019
This week I visited the ‘Casting The World’ exhibition at Rook Lane.…
Mayor’s Column 27 June 2019
I have spent much of this week with some of the young…
Mayor’s Column 20 June 2019
This week the main business of Frome Town Council has been preparing…
Mayor’s Column 13 June 2019
This week I was delighted to attend Frome Town Council’s annual ‘Voluntea’.…
Mayor’s Column 6 June 2019
One of the main concerns that councillors hear time and time again…
Mayor’s Column 30 May 2019
Welcome to my first column as the mayor of Frome. I am…
Mayor’s Column 16 May 2019
Having a bad day?  Then why not (in the nicest sense) take…
Mayor’s Column 10 May 2019
Psephology is the statistical study of elections and trends in voting.   Few…
Mayor’s Column 2 May 2019
If I have learned one thing over the last four years it’s…
Mayor’s Column 25 April 2019
I had an enjoyable pub conversation recently about urban myths and legends.…
Mayor’s Column 11 April 2019
My Dad used to say that if you “don't go looking for…
Mayor’s Column 4 April 2019
Despite proven economic and health benefits, UK cycling gets a terrible deal…
Mayor’s Column 28 March 2019
“When you get a groove going, time flies” – Donald Fagan It’s…
Mayor’s Column 21 March 2019
Entertainment in Frome is rarely something in short supply.  With two theatres,…
Mayor’s Column 14 March 2019
I read with surprise that the go ahead had been given to…
Mayor’s Column 7 March 2019
As Noam Chomsky pointed out, if you want to make a meaningful…
Mayor’s Column 28 February 2019
“If Brexit happens how will we get chickpeas?” A lot happened this…
Mayor’s Column 21 February 2019
What links these iconic public statues: Boudica on the Thames Embankment; Lady…
Mayor’s Column 14 February 2019
Every one of us with an Internet connection will probably have experienced…
Mayor’s Column 7 February 2019
A recent estimate showed that homelessness in the UK has risen by…
Mayor’s Column 31 January 2019
At a recent Business Breakfast, John Turner from Visit Somerset said, “Tourism…
Mayor’s Column 24 January 2019
It’s often said that an accountant is someone who solves a problem…
Mayor’s Column 17 January 2019
This week I came across a report by the Royal Fine Art…
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