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Celebrate nature, make a difference – and pick up a free ice cream

**Cancelled due to predicted bad weather – a new date will be published soon**

There’s still time to get involved with Great Big Green Week 2024, with a range of activities focused on nature, climate action and boosting wellbeing for planet and human on offer. Events include nature connection sessions, guided walks, opportunities to explore some of Frome’s growing schemes and nature-friendly green spaces, and activities to inspire young people through a closer connection to the natural world. On Thursday 13th June from 4pm to 6pm, the Big Green Summer Meet Up in Victoria Park, hosted by Green and Healthy Frome and Sustainable Frome, offers a chance to talk to others about climate action, share ideas, and enjoy a free vegan ice cream. Cllr Fiona Barrows said:

“The Big Green Summer Meet Up is a chance to get together and celebrate all the wonderful green and sustainable initiatives happening in Frome, find out what everyone is up to and make new connections. There’s no agenda, and it will be a sociable and fun event hopefully! With the bad news we often hear in the media about climate change, it can feel like our small contributions don’t make a difference, but we hope that bringing everyone together will energise and inspire people, and ensure Frome keeps up its amazing, positive climate action. And to mark the occasion, we’ll be taking a drone photo on the day – please wear white to take part!”

Tickets for the Big Green Summer Meet Up are free, with a free vegan ice cream for everyone who books a ticket in advance. The new community café at Victoria Park will be open for refreshments. Attendees are invited to bring a picnic and picnic blanket. There will be a gazebo and tables set up for anyone wanting to bring leaflets or display materials to share information about their projects.

Book a free ticket for the Big Green Summer Meetup at https://www.discoverfrome.co.uk/event/big-green-summer-meetup, or browse the full Great Big Green Week programme and book tickets where required at https://bit.ly/great-big-green-week .

6 June 2024
Last Updated
12 June 2024
Published in