In November 2013 Frome Town Council funded a series of events and workshops which aimed to generate conversation and increase involvement in local projects and issues – resulting in positive changes in Frome. We asked you ‘what is your favourite thing about Frome and why? And what one thing would you change in Frome and why?’
The week was a great success, with a large number of community groups and people getting together for all sorts of different participatory activities. The outcomes were recorded on a beautiful mural and in a report which has recommendations about how we can all work together to make our town a better place to live.
One of the suggestions was that we develop a database of community groups that everyone can access to help with skill and resource sharing. This is in development and will be live shortly.
Another request was to keep holding occasional big group meetings or workshops to assist the sort of networking that generates creative new ideas. The first of these in March this year was focused on launching our revised grants scheme and letting people know about a few other funding opportunities.
Do join our Facebook page for further updates.