Frome Wild Bunch has partnered with local CIC Meadow in my Garden and is inviting expressions of interest from people who would like to create a ‘pocket meadow’ in a community space near them, on a limited, first come, first served basis, prior to the launch of a town-wide Pocket Meadow scheme later in the year. To take part, community groups should contact Frome Wild Bunch with an idea for a suitable space by the end of March.
Cllr Fiona Barrows said: ‘Did you pick up a packet of free wildflower seeds during Frome Kindness Festival? Starting your own ‘pocket meadow’ in your garden, or even a window box is as simple as that! However, if you know of a community space that would benefit from brightening up and made inviting for pollinators, get in touch with Jo from the Wild Bunch to set the ball rolling. All you need is a space that you can prepare for scattering the seeds by the end of March – Meadow in my Garden will provide the seeds and the Wild Bunch are on hand for any advice you need to get started.’
Wild Bunch’s Jo Morris said: ‘This is hopefully the beginning of creating a town-wide network of pollinator-friendly spaces – this is a limited trial so we can support another three or four pocket meadows at this stage. Get in touch if you’d like to be one of them! Please note that it will remain your responsibility to water and care for your pocket meadow once it’s planted.’
Pocket Meadows are already planned at Milk Street Green, Packsaddle and Redland Terrace. The existing wildflower bed at Mary Baily is due to be extended at the Wild Bunch gathering on 17th April from 1.30 to 2.30.
Contact fromewildbunch@gmail.com to express an interest in creating a pocket meadow.