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Pause and reflect in silence on Remembrance Sunday

Frome marks Remembrance Sunday 2024 on Sunday 10th November 2024.

A parade, led by the Frome Platoon, The Silver Bugles and Somerset ACF Band, followed by the National Standard and Standards of the three armed forces, the Royal British Legion, veterans, uniformed personnel and youth, will set off from the Drill Hall at 10.42am for the memorial garden at Frome Memorial Theatre.  The ceremony begins at 10.55am, with a two-minute silence at 11am and will finish at 11.20am. All are invited to Assembly Rooms for refreshments afterwards

Organiser Jane Norris said: “With the seemingly never-ending and ferocious conflicts around the world, it is with particular meaning that Frome will have the opportunity to stop, and join the nation in silence, when we come together at the Memorial Garden of the Frome Memorial Theatre for an Act of Remembrance on Remembrance Sunday, 10th November 2024.

“This poignant, unifying pause in our lives has been observed on every Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day since the 11th November 1919, one year to the hour that the Great War ended.  There is nothing great in war.  The Royal British Legion, as custodians of Remembrance, working with Frome Town Council, offer the constancy that We Will Never Forget.  An invitation is extended to pause for two minutes in our lives at 11am.  Thoughts may be for one person; for those in conflict; for many suffering; for whole nations; for peace.”

As a veteran herself, Jane feels strongly that we can demonstrate our commitment to all affected by war and conflict, in body, mind or by association in any way, by remembering, and learning from the horrors: ‘Lest we forget’.

REME veteran Tannhauser Hughes will read the Exhortation this year:

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them”

Tannuasser has published a book on his father’s part on Operation Market Garden, 80 years ago this year.  Local men also took part on D-Day and the ensuing advance to liberate Europe in 1944. 

As well as Frome, local villages will be making their own commemorations:

Chapmanslade will be completing a project that is 80 years overdue when the names of a nephew and uncle will be added and dedicated to the memorial in the grounds of the church, at their Remembrance service at 11am.

Flight Sergeant Kenneth W. Chalk Royal Air Force 77th Squadron, rear gunner on a Halifax bomber was killed when on a bombing raid on 28-29 January 1944.  He was 21 years old.  Just seven days later, his mother, Hilda Chalk learned of the death of her brother, Lance Corporal Wyndham Carter, Wiltshire Regiment Infantry, who was killed in action in Lazio, Italy, on 6th February 1944, aged 29 years.

Wanstrow Church will be holding a service of Remembrance and Reflection at 18:30, and many other churches and communities will be making their observances.

Details of the Frome Parade and Act of Remembrance from Frome Branch RBL Remembrance coordinator: Jane Norris jane.norris9@gmail.com or 077762085312 or at https://www.discoverfrome.co.uk/event/remembrance-sunday-parade-2/

24 October 2024
Last Updated
25 October 2024
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