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Let’s Talk sessions offer help tackling tricky conversations

Local organisation Let’s Talk are once again hosting free workshops to help people approach difficult conversations in a more positive and beneficial way. The next workshop, exploring the ‘I Messaging’ approach, takes place on Thursday 27th June at Frome Town Hall from 6.30pm to 8pm. A Let’s Talk spokesperson said:

“This session is designed to offer tools to help you open a tricky conversation in a way that is most likely to lead to a positive outcome. ‘I’ messaging is a tried and tested approach for those who are experiencing conflict with anyone in their lives, from a family member, neighbour or colleague. By opening a conversation that comes from your own perspective, the other person is less likely to feel blamed or attacked.

Learning how to slow down, identify your feelings and take this initiative can enable you to build confidence in dealing with all kinds of emotional situations in your life.”

‘Let’s Talk’ is a group of Frome residents who believe that, with help, we can all tackle tricky conversations that will leave us all feeling heard and hopeful. The hints and tips the group offer can be used in all sorts of situations: working through neighbourhood disputes, talking to family members or friends or collaborating at work.

A group member said: “Learning about these skills gave me the confidence to take on a tricky conversation around a family situation that I had been putting off for years. Just keeping in mind a few of these tools while I did it, helped it go so much better. And now that the tension has been addressed, we’re all a lot more ‘ourselves’ with each other. I wish I had learnt about this years ago!’

The group meet regularly to practise their skills and develop ways to share them in their community. They have hosted events and webinars in the past and the June workshop is one of several themed workshops planned for this year.

In addition to the in-depth themed workshops running throughout 2024, there is a taster session for anyone wishing to know more about the Let’s Talk approach on Thursday 4th July at Frome Football Club from 6pm to 8pm. The session will provide attendees with some concrete tools and relevant real-life examples.

Booking is required for the free ‘I Messaging’ workshop at bit.ly/lets-talk-i-messaging. The booking link for the introductory taster session is bit.ly/lets-talk-july24. Visit the Let’s Talk pages for more information about the group and links to workshops later in the year.

5 June 2024
Last Updated
5 June 2024
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