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Support in Frome to care for your health and your home

Living in a warm, dry, and sustainable home isn’t just about comfort—it’s a game-changer for your health. Frome is leading the way with a groundbreaking community-led initiative: Green and Healthy Frome: Healthy Homes.

Substandard living conditions take a toll on health, yet the link between housing and well-being often goes unnoticed. Cold and damp homes cost the NHS an astonishing £1.36 billion annually, affecting millions of lives. From increased risk of strokes and heart attacks to respiratory issues and stress and anxiety, the impact is far-reaching. Dampness and mould even contribute to allergies and asthma. Vulnerable groups—such as the elderly, people with disabilities, and low-income families—are hit hardest.

Frome refuses to accept this status quo. Frome Town Council, Edventure, and Frome Medical Practice, are taking action as part of Green and Healthy Frome’s “Healthy Homes”, Thanks to funding from the National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund.

Dr Helen Kingston from Frome Medical Practice said, “Living in a cold home is bad for our health. But support is available in Frome to help change this. We’ve seen how ‘Healthy Homes’ support has helped patients over the last couple of years and we strongly encourage more patients to use this service, so they can start to take steps to warm up their homes and reduce the risks to their health.” 

What “Healthy Homes” offers:

  1. Energy Advice Sessions and Home Visits, and Pop-Up Energy Advice (all day) Roadshows: Our experts guide you toward energy-efficient solutions tailored to your property, including funding advice, energy bill and debt management. The next drop-in session is on the 5th June from 10-4pm at Frome Library. 
  2. Free Retrofitting Assessments:  Identify areas for improvement and boost your home’s sustainability, this free service can cost up to £900 per survey but is completely free to people living in Frome
  3. Community Retrofit Talks – sharing resources, advice and knowledge and creating a retrofit community. The next community Retrofit Talk: Retrofit Next Step is on the 11th June from 7.30 – 9pm at Frome Town Hall. 
  4. Thermal Imaging Camera Loans: Pinpoint energy leaks and reduce bills.
  5. Access to Funding: We signpost you to local funding opportunities and our Energy Advice Team can help you through the process.
  6. Frome Medical Practice referral scheme –  links individuals suffering from substandard living-related illnesses with energy advice and support. This holistic care system treats the root cause as well as the physical symptoms. 

Peter Wheelhouse, Economic Development & Regeneration Manager & Deputy Town Clerk at Frome Town Council said, “Frome’s ‘Healthy Homes’ is a remarkable initiative that enables us to invest at a grassroots level, knowing that it will have a far-reaching impact. By improving the living conditions of some of our most vulnerable population, we will not only have a happier, healthier and more environmentally friendly community but, the reduction in healthcare costs will help save the NHS money.”

Find out more about the Healthy Homes initiative.

4 June 2024
Last Updated
4 June 2024
Published in